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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Job Update

So, I found out yesterday that I got the job I interviewed for last week. I am so incredibly excited!!!! This is just the kind of job I was looking for. I get to work with people in an office enviroment wearing businessy clothes and learning a whole lot of new things. I am going to be a Career Counselor for student about to graduate college with technical degrees. Basically I will help them refine their interview skills, prepare their resumes, find externships and places for them to apply. It combines my love of recruiting with my passion for helping people. I can not wait to get started!!! :) Once I do I will be back to regular outfit posting. Until then I am taking advantage of jeans and hoodies since it is finally getting cold her in the Dallas area. ~Kendra~


Penny said...


The Barb said...

Congrats!!!! that's super exciting and I'm sure your last bit of college will be significantly less stressful now!