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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Casual Friday and Saturday

So this weekend I had to work on Saturday...we ussually don't have to work on saturdays, but I was glad we did, it was fun! Anyways, friday was great! I sold my first full price vacation, which is exciting :) But on to what I'm wearing today...

What I'm Wearing:
blue and white tank-$4 at Cato
Black Gap Cardi-$1.49 at Denton Thrift
Blue Necklace-$1 at Claires
Denim-$7 at Rainbow
White Bangle-$1 at Family Dollar
Gold Flats-about $1 at Dollar General
Here's What I Wore Friday:
Button Down-Free from Mom's disgard pile
Grey Tee-$2.50 at Old Navy
Necklace-$5 at Target
Belt-$1 at Tralee Resale
Denim-$5 at Walmart
Heels-$4 at Payless
I felt pulled together, but not to over dressed. Casual friday is super casual at my job, so I was still pretty dressy comparitively....Ahh well I feel like I do pretty and have a better attitude when I feel like I am dressed well.
Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend!! ~Kendra~

1 comment:

Honeybunches of Roses said...

I feel the same way, that sometimes I'm the only dressed one out of my group, but it makes me feel good and noticed, so I don't mind :)

you look very pretty....