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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Red, White and Blue

Today I was all business in my red, white and blue hehe Another business casual day at work and I am lovin it!! Oh and yesterday I got my cap and gown, invitations and diploma frame for graduation in December. I can't believe it's getting soooo close :) Yay!

Here's What I Wore:
Red Blazer: $2.50 at Goodwill
Top-$2.49 at Denton Thrift
Blue Necklace-$1 at Claires
Black Pants-$14.99 at JCP Outlet
Red Heels-$4.99 at Cato
I felt pulled together and professional all day at work! It was a really good day :) Hope everyone else had a great one too!! ~Kendra~

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